Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life Flo Fit Club

Life Flo Fit Club is is happening on December 31, 2011 at Covenant Community Fellowship Church (2012 Magnolia Avenue South Birmingham,Alabama 35205) at 10 am. All fitness levels welcome! We are ending the year with momentum!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


What kind of mentality do you have? Is it one that says "when things get hard I am going to give up?" or is one that says " when things get hard I am going to push harder?" Well asking yourself either question will make you either a quitter or an achiever! Your mentality describes the nature of your mental state. Its not always a question of sanity vs. insanity, but more( or the less) whether you are a finisher or not

Making up your mind up believe that you are supposed to quit when things get difficult makes you a quitter. No other way to put this. When you go through life with this mentality eventually you end up with not much to show for anything. Whether its working out, eating right, or just sticking to a plan quitting shows no results!

The one who pushes harder when things become difficult are the ones who you see achieving and accomplishing the impossible! That mentality is the one we have seen for many generations. From the cotton fields to the Civil Rights Movement, these examples are the result of someone not quitting when the terrain became difficult to navigate!

So when it comes to taking care of your health and nutrition, remember being preventative doesn't allow for you to be a quitter! Think Holistically!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life Flo Fit Club

Life Flo Fit Club will be going down at the end of this month. What a better way than to end the year with a good workout! More info will soon be available (location and time). Follow Life Flo Fitness for motivation to live a holistic and fit life!!!